“Butch’s view about the treatment of associates was an education. One of his first instructions after the acquisition was to upgrade all toilet and canteen facilities, you had to treat people properly. This was followed by an openness with associates that many found surprising, and once they got used to it, refreshing.”

– Steve Swords


Loyal M. (Butch) Peterman

Loyal M. (Butch) Peterman, Jr. is President of Manufacturing with Heart, Inc., a consulting and coaching company for small manufacturing businesses. He is an executive coach and business consultant.

Butch is also President and Co-Founder of Abrasive Technology, Inc., a leading manufacturer of superabrasive grinding wheels and tools with 10 facilities around the world.

As the leader of Abrasive’s long-term Business Strategy Team, he created a company with a positive and productive workplace based on unique organizational structure, early adopter of technologies, and culture centered on his core belief that “People Can be Trusted”.

Butch holds BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, an MBA from Xavier University and is EQ certified. His career began at General Electric Aviation and GE Superabrasives before opening his own company. He also holds several global patents.

He was named Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year, a founding member of The Ohio Foundation for Entrepreneurial Education (OFEE), president and board member of the Industrial Diamond Association of America, and treasurer of The Country Club at Muirfield Village.

Butch enjoys connecting with people, engineering, making things simple, change, inventing, playing golf, the stock market, real estate investment, traveling, fine dining , wines & champagnes, learning, yoga, and meditation.



A manufacturing company with heart is a natural expression of health and growth. We’ve come a long way from the dark and squalid factories of the 19th century. Machine mind is still common today, but is giving way to new habits of being as leaders understand more of themselves and what’s possible. Sustainable leadership in the 21st century has to embrace deep human understanding. As barriers are breaking down between us and them, leadership needs greater awareness of development cycles of doing and being, insights and gestation leading to new levels of functionality.

Heart Culture balances left brain and right brain functions, masculine and feminine creative energies, intelligence quotient and emotional quotient, and head and heart. Being aware of and working toward balanced polarities are the living realty of yin and yang….interdependent opposites folded together into a holistic unity.


Tanya Patrella

Tanya L. Patrella is a Consultant of Manufacturing with Heart, Inc., a consulting and coaching company for small manufacturing businesses. She is an executive coach and Human Resources consultant.

Tanya was an executive for Abrasive Technology, Inc., a worldwide manufacturer of superabrasive grinding wheels and tools. During her twenty-five years, she was Vice President of Administration, Marketing, Human Resources and coach for the global Leadership Team.

As an original member of Abrasive’s long-term Business Strategy Team, Tanya has in-depth experience in Organizational and Leadership Development, Coaching Leadership Team Members as well as global business and compliance, project management, and acquisition integrations.

She holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Ohio State University and is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), FIRO-B and EQ assessments for improving self-awareness.

In addition to her corporate successes, Tanya loves helping others through career coaching people in transition – young folks just starting out or anyone in transition in careers or wanting to be!

She also enjoys gardening, reading, learning, yoga, meditation, time with her three sisters and two daughters, a good Oregon Pinot Noir, fine dining, and walking in the woods.

“Your workplace can transcend into an exciting laboratory of care, productivity, and collective satisfaction. Working people become whole. Day-to-day routine takes on higher purpose”

– Tanya Patrella

© Manufacturing with Heart 2023. All rights reserved.