Butch now as sole owner began the process change. “I had a solid, profitable company, good products, good customers and great, experienced employees. I looked deep inside myself and asked What do I want to do with all of this?
“I wanted to create an environment where everyone simply enjoys coming to work every day. There are statistics out there that say 80% of American workers hate their jobs. I wanted to create a company where at least 80% of the people working there love their jobs.”
In 1994 Butch introduces the thought process for “Change & Challenge.” Butch and Tanya begin working with Center for Creative Leadership and the Leadership Learning Agenda begins.
Business didn’t stop. We added another 13 patents, acquired 9 companies, expanded facilities and capabilities, created our first website and successfully implemented software for email, order tracking, and e-commerce. However, our steadfast focus on our purpose allowed for us to engage people in ways that showed we cared and humanized how traditional manufacturing operated.
In 1995, we began introducing the term “Associate” to our people. This was the first of many changes we would make to the world of traditional manufacturing. He wanted people to feel a part of a productive group that was passionate about getting the work done and shared in the rewards of that good work.
In 1999, Butch was honored as an Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young.